protectedvoidrun(){ int selectCnt = 0; for (;;) { try { int strategy; try { // 计算执行策略, 如果队列中还有任务, 则执行任务, 无任务则SELECT等待任务 strategy = selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, hasTasks()); switch (strategy) { case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE: continue;
case SelectStrategy.BUSY_WAIT: // fall-through to SELECT since the busy-wait is not supported with NIO
case SelectStrategy.SELECT: // 阻塞等待IO事件 long curDeadlineNanos = nextScheduledTaskDeadlineNanos(); if (curDeadlineNanos == -1L) { curDeadlineNanos = NONE; // nothing on the calendar } nextWakeupNanos.set(curDeadlineNanos); try { if (!hasTasks()) { strategy = select(curDeadlineNanos); } } finally { // This update is just to help block unnecessary selector wakeups // so use of lazySet is ok (no race condition) nextWakeupNanos.lazySet(AWAKE); } // fall through default: } } catch (IOException e) { // If we receive an IOException here its because the Selector is messed up. Let's rebuild // the selector and retry. rebuildSelector0(); selectCnt = 0; handleLoopException(e); continue; }
privatevoidprocessSelectedKey(SelectionKey k, AbstractNioChannel ch){ // 每个Channel中都存在一个Netty的Unsafe, 该处返回的是NioMessageUnsafe, 主要值处理io事件 final AbstractNioChannel.NioUnsafe unsafe = ch.unsafe(); if (!k.isValid()) { final EventLoop eventLoop; try { eventLoop = ch.eventLoop(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { return; } // Only close ch if ch is still registered to this EventLoop. ch could have deregistered from the event loop // and thus the SelectionKey could be cancelled as part of the deregistration process, but the channel is // still healthy and should not be closed. // See if (eventLoop == this) { // close the channel if the key is not valid anymore unsafe.close(unsafe.voidPromise()); } return; }
try { int readyOps = k.readyOps(); // 连接事件 if ((readyOps & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) { // remove OP_CONNECT as otherwise will always return without blocking // See int ops = k.interestOps(); ops &= ~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT; k.interestOps(ops);
unsafe.finishConnect(); }
// Process OP_WRITE first as we may be able to write some queued buffers and so free memory. if ((readyOps & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0) { // 写Channel ch.unsafe().forceFlush(); }